#1 in college marketing

Portfolio Optimization Matrix
Target students that match your portfolio.
Minimize your bank charge-off rates
Pitfalls to avoid in building the young adult portfolio



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The UCMS Portfolio Optimization Matrix was developed to help issuers with develop new card portfolios and track results. Since 1992, when it was first used by AT&T Universal Card Services, this leading program has been benchmarked because of its industry leading thought shift.

Three years after UCMS started "selling" credit cards to college students, it began advising its credit card issuing clients on how to evaluate student applicants. The following is the derivation of the UCMS Matrix.

The UCMS Matrix uses multiple scorecards set up in a grid format. The underlying principal is to combine both on and off application data. The result: an ability to get charge-off rates below 2% and approval rates over 50%! What's more is that the UCMS "Thin File Analysis" is cross applicable to determining young adult CREDIT LINES.

Larry Chiang, president and founder of UCMS, utilized a solid-liquid-gas thermodynamics model as the basis for UCMS proprietary techniques.



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