The #PObox26926 Protocol That Helps You Duck 9s and Duck That $600.00 PENALTY

OAK BROOK, Illinois

By Larry Chiang

You’re here on this website designed for sorority girls because you were searching for something…

FasTrak has some pretty bad Yelp reviews.
FasTrak can collect on that bridge-toll-based charge-off by ransoming your DMV attempt at Driver’s License renewal in CA.
Duck charge-offs. Duck 9’s. 9s are credit code charge-off.
FasTrak is much, much better at collecting on a debt. Than you are at ducking the collection.

Lets cover some protocol basics. A lot are counterintuitive. Let us call this special San Francisco protocol “#PObox26926“.
– If you owe $150 (or 300 or 600?!), you can re-activate a FasTrak account. Then semi automatically revert the $150 penalties into $6.oo Bridge Tolls. Thus, you save 144 American, George Washington, dollars.
– Mail in a paper check to seal the deal. A paper check literally seals the deal because it is a contract.
In the memo section, put your Account Number (it is 9 digits).
Lick a stamp and mail it to FasTrak, #PObox26926, SF 94126.

Once the bank check has cleared. Write a paper letter to #PObox26926. State. Ticket citation number(s) associated to account number that is 9-digits long. Then you have almost completed the protocol.

Remember, a protocol is a detailed procedure. If you’re one digit off, #PObox26926 won’t work. If you telephone #PObox26926 via the 877 229-8566, it will not work. If you gripe via email, it. won’t. work. Faxing will work because FasTrak is required to accept Fax and paper mail via #PObox26926. But who actually faxes to their Fax number, 415-974-6356.

Question: Why fax and why us postal mail and why a p.o. Box??
Larry Chiang answer: #PObox26926 works because it is FCBA. It is an American credit law for Americans. And last time I checked. U silicon valley types living in SF are still American. But a lot of you don’t remove your baseball cap during Giants games cuz you’re fruity. FCBA is a credit and Billing Act that is Fair.

Let me repeat.
Cut a small check or money order or bank of america cashier check. Put YOUR fasTrack account number in the check.
Mail the check to pay FasTrak at #PObox26926
Then submit your Bridge Violation, violation number on a piece of paper and send it to #PObox26926.
Confirm you have successfully succeeded in this moist easy of endeavors by tweeting. Tweet each and every step by including #PObox26926 @larryChiang. Every protocol has about 20-35 li’l steps. #PObox26926 is no different.

Sure, this is all easy to do.
IT is wayyyyy easier, not to do it.
My people invented paper and the abacus while you people were using Roman Numerals barely able to add 13 to 40 (XIII + XL)

Larry Chiang

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