Category: Uncategorized

Hard Inquiries 0

Hard Inquiries

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) 12/26/15, 8:46 AM “starting up your credit score means @1st, the 35% is your 100%.” –@LarryChiang #cs183creditScore

Credit Score’s Optimal Curve 0

Credit Score’s Optimal Curve

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) 7/19/16, 11:02 AM #hiLarryAss. Insightful because credit score has an optimal curve Re FICO on the y-axis; time on the X-axis…

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Financial Literacy

By Larry Chiang Oxymoron is where two words oppose each other. Military intelligence. Jumbo shrimp. The most oxymoronic is, Financial literacy. Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) 5/11/16, 1:16 PM Financial literacy used to be an oxymoron....

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Hacker News Account Name

By Larry Chiang The user name you select for your email, matters. The user name of your Hacker News matters along with what credit news you curate, matters. CEO of Duck9, Larry (@6502838008) 2/5/16,...

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The Economy and You

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) 1/29/16, 8:14 AM The Economy of You: Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur and Recession-Proof Your Life… @KimberlyPalmer @TheStreet Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) 1/29/16, 8:02 AM Congrats on your book, @KimberlyPalmer #Ch2. I...